What does an apology mean to you? Do you ever admit you’re wrong? Or do you just ignore it and hope for the best?
We all have different ways of dealing with our mistakes. Some of us hate to admit being wrong due to pride issues, but there are those who stand up bravely and say it no matter what, because that is what’s fair. Others may even have a completely different idea.
Some people think that apologies have no meaning whatsoever because they believe it’s just a simple word that stands in a sea of actions. I might agree with that at first. But come to think of it, it makes everything complicated. I mean I will say that I’m sorry and all, and of course I would show it in a way. But for someone to demand that saying it isn't enough, it’s just wrong. Unless you’re Satan and your words aren't trustworthy, then it’s okay; I might agree 100%. Otherwise, I think it’s just a bit unfair. “Why unfair?”, you may ask.
Pretend someone wronged you with something. Try to put yourself in their place for a second. For instance, for someone like me, I would probably apologize that moment and, right after, I would disappear for a short period of time. I usually feel like I need some alone time because I feel overwhelmed with guilt, not to mention that I have major pride issues! It’s like I was somehow scarred, and like all scars, it can be healed with just a little time. After all that having been dealt with, I would make it up to the person I've wronged with an action.
But now imagine that person didn't accept my apology and wanted an action to prove it right away! First, it would double the emotional feelings that I’m having and I wouldn't even have time to think clearly and come up with a proper way to show them that I am really sorry. All I would be thinking of is, “I’m sorry I killed your cat - or whatever crappy thing I did as a friend - but you need to chill the shit out!” (Sorry for the informality, but I feel like people can relate to what I have to say in that way much more.) I mean, I fully understand that the person I've wronged is hurt and may even hate me, but that is exactly why I need more time, to make it more meaningful and to come up with something they deserve.
So yeah, the moral of the story is, stop rushing everything even if it was a simple apology. You accepting it as only that will lead for the other person to feel bad about it and work on it even more. You never know, it may end up being more beautiful than you ever thought.
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